Private Enterprise Federation ICT Platform

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This Research Report is the product of a review of the legal regime for permit/licensing/certification of businesses to enable them operate in Ghana, and administration of questionnaires and interviews to ascertain the actual cost of administrative corruption and confirm implementation…
Administrative corruption is generally defined as profiteering from public posts. It includes a public officer’s abuse of roles, powers, or resources in public bureaucracies.3 Ghana law defines a public official to include any person holding an office by election or…
Introduction The Private Sector is that part of an economy that is neither owned nor controlled by the state or Government but, is run, by individuals (Investopedia, 2016). The private sector therefore encompasses all profit making businesses and, to stretch…
As an umbrella private sector business association charged with the responsibility of private sector business development in this country, the Private Enterprise Foundation (PEF) is concerne9 about the low patronage of Made-in-Ghana goods. There seems to be an unexplained preference…
This Report is in response to an invitation from the Private Enterprise Foundation, PEF, to submit a technical proposal to provide consulting services for the study on the Impact of Power Outages on Manufacturing Industries in Ghana. This assignment was…
PEF wishes to encourage small business units to come together to form larger business units, and so take advantage of the benefits of such units with respect to funding, management expertise and technology.The Ghanaian business scene is dominated by a…

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