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Three Institutions Join PEF

The Governing Council of the Federation has approved the applications for membership from the following three  institutions who have since taken their seats as full-fledged members of the Federation:

1. Conference of Heads of Private Second Cycle Schools (CHOPSS)

2. Ghana Young Entrepreneurs (GYE)

3. Ghana Independent Broadcasters Association (GIBA) 



The Conference of Heads of Private Second Cycle Schools in Ghana (CHOPSS) is made up of over two hundred and eighty accredited Heads and Proprietors of Private Second-Cycle Schools.

CHOPSS mission primarily is to assist private second-cycle schools to maintain very high academic standards and also champion issues of concern to private high schools in Ghana.

Over the years, successive government policies have seriously threatened the existence of Private Second-Cycle Schools and thus see the need to align themselves with a bigger body to champion their course.

PEF had always advocated for the use of local businesses as case studies for the training of our future leaders and believes that having the training institutions as part of the Federation will heighten the need to start developing these local case studies and serve as a catalyst that will start the development of this initiative.  


Ghana Chamber of Young Entrepreneurs (GCYE)

Ghana Young Entrepreneurs (GYE) is a non-governmental organization and comprise of young entrepreneurs in Ghana. 

Its mission is to connect, unify and build the capacity of young entrepreneurs across the country to encourage trade, advocacy for change and enhance entrepreneurial culture.

As one of the business groups that create tons of jobs but do not share in the business opportunities that are offered to other well-connected groups, the views of GCYE and its constituent members should be considered and accommodated at the highest levels. It is in the light of these constraints and other challenges that PEF is thrilled by their request for membership.   

Around the global community of practice, the emphasis for the future is directed at inculcating in the youth the proper methodologies of doing things, especially business and Ghana is no exception. It is imperative that we bring our young generation to the table to learn the rules of engagement and the merits of doing proper business to become profitable to create wealth and jobs whilst being in compliant with requisite statutes and regulations and PEF believes that enrolling GCYE into its fraternity will serve just that purpose.


Ghana Independent Broadcasters Association (GIBA) 

GIBA is the association of privately owned and independent authorized broadcasting organizations in Ghana with a membership of over two hundred members spread across the country.

GIBA’s mission is to proactively support and promote the independence, legal and economic interests of its members through the provision of top-quality research, advisory, advocacy, consultancy and advisory services.

PEF has always advocated for awareness creation and understanding by the business community of the plethora of policies, statutes and regulations affecting business operations in Ghana and believes the presence of GIBA in the family of PEF member associations and Chambers will give an additional window to enhance the discussions of the enabling environment much better. Further inclusion of GIBA at the table will allow for another medium of communication for businesses to learn of various innovative ways of running their operations.


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